Bushfire Hazard Assessment for Radford College Masterplan 2017
Radford College in the ACT has a proposed Master Plan which for development of the school for the next 10 – 15 years. The school is next to Gossan Reserve in the ACT which is bushfire prone and shows evidence of past fires.
Improved landuse planning, building codes and maintenance of systems to reduce the impact of bushfire provide mechanisms to reduce the bushfire risk and enhance the resilience of communities exposed to bushfire
Alterations and additions to existing SFPD, including their external appearance or finish, which may involve an increase in size and footprint of the building or redevelopment of an existing building are considered to be infill development1 .
It goes on to note that, SFPD should also seek to achieve a better bush fire risk outcome (such as improved construction standards) than if the development did not proceed. This principle has been incorporated into the design of the Radford College Master Plan. Radford College will build new structures in accordance with AS 3959.